Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Half-way socks

Last night I had much more to show for all the knitting I've put in on my Earl Grey socks, I had just turned the heel Sunday night and have been very busy since. Last night I finally tried the socks on and found that the heel was much too big and I should have started it at least a half inch sooner... So I've ripped it back and just now getting ready to start the heel again. I have a few more good sized time chunks and am still very hopeful about getting the pair done by Christmas.... I shouldn't forget about my sister's scarf though (it hasn't seen any progress since I last posted :) This picture I took Sunday afternoon while there was still some decent day light:
Those cables are showing up quite nicely! I've contacted the person I bought this from about perhaps buying some more because I LOVE THIS YARN!

1 comment:

Oriri said...

Squee! They look GREAT!! Love those cables - so pretty!

I am SO glad you love it! (I do too... almost to the heel on my sock! <3)

Definitely will have more of this soon - it's my absolute favorite base for sock yarns! Did you have any kinds of colors in mind? (:

*happy dance*