Wow, I didn't know that the problem I was having with the Jaywalkers was a normal occurance! Perhaps my problems with the first pair of socks that I knit for my grandma were a lot more normal than I thought... I geuss I'll just have to start thinking a bit more about my knits. And here I thought that socks were going to be a break from that whole step of thinking and just be a quick FO!
When I restarted my pair of Jaywalkers, I decided that I wanted a little less of a pooling effect and have been alternating balls on each row. I like this look much more.

I've really been enjoying knitting these up. Then I was talking to Val and Maria (my two knitting friends) and we ordered our yarn for the spring cardigans that we want to knit together. We are following the pattern from
Glamour Knits and I have chosen a pale pink yarn. I will only be knitting a three-quarter sleeve in an attempt to make a more 'springy' cardigan than most. Now, this pattern is knit up on 2s or 3s, I can't remember which exactly. I don't have both of these needles, but the Boye needle set does. I own a Denise needle set that I have been less than happy with. I wanted to trade my set for a Boye, but that seems harder than I thought. I just bought a Boye set online but really need to unload my Denise set so that I can break even on the needles. Before I can sell my set I realized that I need to finish my McQueen Knockoff Sweater because of the slight differences in needles across manufacturers.
SO..... even though I really enjoy knitting up my Jaywalkers, I have got to finish my sweater so that I can get goin on a sweater that I'll be able to wear MUCH sooner. This whole thing makes me sad. I cast-on for the last piece of the four piece sweater on Friday and I finished the ribbing as well as most of the first diamond repeat. Now there are about 120 rows left. If I knit 12 rows a day I'll be done in 10 days.... The only problem with that is I tend to knit REALLY tight on this sweater and the pinky on my left hand tends to lose some sensitivity and it feels really wierd if I knit for too long. I'll try to knit 6 rows in the morning and 6 rows at night then. Hopefully I can finish the sweater without amputating my pinky!
I also want to start on an afghan that will displace the HUGE red fleece blanket that takes up too much space to keep out on the couch every day. I bought a book of afghans quite a while ago, before I really got into knitting so I figure I'll go ahead and knit another project from it. This is the one I had in mind:

I want to knit this in a rusty-reddish color so that I can add some, well, color to my living room. Right now I have a beige-y couch and have ordered a beige-y chair from Target (that will hopefully be coming today!!). When I ordered the chair I knew that it would match much better than the hideous green Popesan chair we have now, but I didn't realize that I would be losing a lot of color in the room and I need to make up for it.
And in leau of having missed Eye Candy Friday, here is a picture of my newly washed car, enjoying the long overdue sunshine! If you have been living in Colorado, you know that this is a rare sight lately.
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